
Villagers erect their own speed signs in rebellion against Welsh Government limit

Villagers are campaigning for a lower speed limit

Villagers say Christmas elves have put up 30-mph signs overnight ready for December to discourage drivers from speeding through Glasfryn.

Villagers say Christmas elves have put up 30-mph signs overnight ready for December to discourage drivers from speeding through a Conwy village. And whilst the actual speed limit on the A5 through Glasfryn remains 60mph, residents say they will decorate the village Christmas tree with 30-mph signs at the switch on this Monday.

Villagers are angry at the Welsh Government for placing 60-mph signs either side of Glasfryn eighteen months ago, reminding drivers they are free to travel at the national speed limit. But residents fear it is only a matter of time before someone is killed on the stretch of road.

Cllr Gwennol Ellis say she worries that a speeding vehicle could hit the school bus taking children to Ysgol Cerrigydrudion. Cllr Ellis said the villagers have campaigned to the Welsh Government without success. “Some 30-mph signs have appeared overnight. Maybe it was the Christmas elves,” she said.

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“The signs (either side of the village) are in farmers’ fields, so they can't do anything about that, can they?” The Welsh Government put up national speed limits signs over 18 months ago either end of the village, encouraging people to drive at 60 mph. They appeared all of a sudden.But we've got a lot of families living in the village. They live right on the roadside, so the school bus picks up on the A5, and I'm just scared somebody is going to drive into the back of that one day. But we have to be careful not to scare the children because, at the end of the day, it is their home. But they do fear for their lives.

Villagers say Christmas elves have put up 30-mph signs overnight ready for December to discourage drivers from speeding through Glasfryn.

“The speed limit is 60 mph, but some people will drive at 70 mph through the village right past people's houses. Why did the Welsh Government need to put those national speed limit signs up? It doesn't make any sense at all.”

Resident Euan Robertson added: “We woke up this morning, and with it being December 1, we think that either Santa's little helpers or the Christmas elves have decorated the village and put up some 30-mph speed limit signs,” he said. “One sign is on a hay bale, and we have a village Christmas tree which is being switched on Monday night. The baubles have been made as 30-mph signs.