A vape shop owner is hoping Labour Party Deputy Leader Angela Rayner, nicknamed the Vape Dragon by her children because of her habit, will visit his shop during the Labour Party conference this week. Chris, who owns a shop with his wife, hopes his red-carpet welcome, will entice Rayner to visit the shop which is a short walk from Liverpool’s ACC.
A 4-metre red carpet with plush stanchions, balloons, and bunting, was seen outside the shop in preparation for Angela's appearance at the event. The high-profile politician has hit the headlines in recent weeks for her vaping habit.
Chris also gave Angela Rayner pride of place on his Riot E-Liquid "Wall of Fame", which celebrates adult celebrities and public figures who have used vaping as a tool to quit smoking. Angela Rayner's dramatic portrait in an extravagant gold frame, was hung alongside celebrity vapers including Britney Spears, Richard Hammond, and Snoop Dogg.
The Riot E-Liquid "Wall of Fame", which has become a popular shop feature and local customer talking point, was first created to honour famous adults who have used e-cigarette and e-liquid products to quit smoking.

Chris said: "There's been talk around Angela Rayner's vaping habit, but she is a shining example of an adult who has used vaping as a tool to quit smoking - which is far more harmful. For me she's not a 'vape dragon' but more of a 'vape heroine'. She's a success story for an adult vaping correctly to quit cigarettes, and fully deserves to go on my shop wall.
"It’s not often such a high-profile vaper is a stone's throw away, and I’d love to meet her - or even get her to sign her own photo! That would be amazing.”
Riot E-Liquid has been supporting the shop's "Wall of Fame". Matt Crann, Director of Sales at Riot E-Liquid, said: "Amid so much negative narrative around the vape sector, people have lost sight of the fact that smoking is the real killer in the UK - and vaping is the most successful tool to help adults quit. The "Wall of Fame" is a reminder that adults can use vaping responsibly to quit smoking. Angela Rayner is a shining example, and we're pleased Chris has added her to the wall - hopefully she makes an appearance for him."