A student who forked out £4,500 to banish the 'large bump' in her nose was horrified when cruel online trolls claimed the 'botched' op made it look 'ten times worse'. Kendal Bow was self-conscious of the bump on her nose from the age of seven, after people compared it to her dad's 'big nose', something she believes she inherited from him.
The 22-year-old started saving birthday cash from her 14th birthday onwards to fund surgery to remove the bump in her nose, in a procedure similar to the one supermodel Bella Hadid had. After saving for eight years, the performing arts student underwent a rhinoplasty on July 15th to rectify her 'out of proportion' nose.
Kendal was thrilled with the results and shared footage on social media, that racked up more than 2.5million views. But she was horrified when she was flooded with cruel comments from trolls who claimed her nose looked even bigger, that she looked 'ten times worse' and that she should be 'depressed' with the results.
Instead she took to TikTok to hit back at those who thought she'd made her nose look 'worse' with videos, showing the before and after images to highlight that doctors had done exactly as she'd asked. Kendal, from Glasgow, Scotland, said: "My TikTok was going viral for the wrong reasons, I was just in shock.

"[They were saying] 'why are you not depressed?', 'you got scammed', 'botched', 'she looked way better before', 'hahaha she's not well', 'you need help'. I went straight to panicking. I was trying to make sure I was taping it properly at night and check if my tip was droopy.
"I had no issue with that to start with but the more I was getting comments and staring at my nose I started to hate it even more. For someone to come on and try to bring another person down because they chose to do something they didn't like and they're insecure about, it's jealousy.
"You're not happy in your life so you come online to be keyboard warriors. People were having wars in the comment section supporting me. I love the fact there were strangers arguing."
Despite the extreme bruising, Kendal says she loved the results when she saw her nose for the first time after her cast and stitches were removed. But the wave of mean comments prompted her to contact her surgeon who reassured her the swelling will go down within 12 months and that it was unlikely she'd need a revision.
Kendal said: "When I first saw it I was so happy but when I turned to the front I gasped because it was so swollen and big. My surgeon had said 'you shouldn't love it when you first get your cast off because it's still swollen'.

"Friends and family said it looked great. They said it was dead swollen but the side looked great. No-one had told me they didn't like my nose in person. It just appears droopier and longer in pictures and videos in certain lights because it's swollen and the bone is no longer sticking out my nose, it just makes the shadows different."
Kendal was prompted to bite the bullet and have surgery after seeing herself on screen while acting at university and not liking her profile. Kendal said: "My dad has a [a bump in his] nose and I used to get told I have my dad's big nose.
"I didn't have many friends at school so I picked on myself thinking, 'do people think I'm not pretty enough? Am I not good enough because I don't look entirely like them?'. When I discovered my love for acting and started university, I was on screen and kept seeing my nose. It bothered me.
"When I looked at strong females on screen I wasn't seeing the nose I had. It was affecting my confidence and it felt like the only thing holding me back."
Kendal says she poured over images of celebrities' side profiles, including Kendall Jenner and Sandra Bullock, as inspiration for her new hooter. Kendal said: "I was looking at Kendall Jenner, Hailey Beiber, Sandra Bullock and Angelina Jolie, and I kept seeing that they don't have a button tip.
"They all looked different at the front but straight at the side. Bella Hadid had the same hump as me, but she then got nose surgery and had it removed.
"I remember her saying that she regretted it because it changed so much of her face. My biggest fear was changing my whole face.
"I liked how I looked but when I saw my side profile, my nose extended my face and I felt like it was out of proportion. I made it very clear to the surgeon it was just the bump I wanted done. I 100% trusted that they knew what I wanted."
Despite the trolling she received, Kendal says she still loves her results and feels the surgery perfectly enhanced her face. Kendal said: "You go through so many emotions after surgery.
"It's a cycle. Some days I wake up and I love it and some days it's swollen. The other day I went out for my friend's birthday and I was absolutely feeling myself and I loved it. It's just enhanced me the way I want it to enhance it. The more time that goes by I love it even more and more because it is starting to go down and not be as swollen."
Kendal shared her results three months post-surgery in a TikTok with more than 2.5 million views, nearly 70,000 likes and 1500 comments. One user commented: "That's a botched nose job. The tip is also drooping. You will need a revision, sorry to say."
Another commented: "How are you not depressed [sad emoji]? It looks 10 times worse after… this is NOT how it should look." A final wrote: "It looks bigger than before?!"