North Wales Live readers have been having their say after a survey found that First Minister Mark Drakeford's popularity has dipped due to the effect of the new 20mph default speed limit in Wales. A poll by Redfield & Wilton Strategies asked a range of questions about Welsh politics.
The First Minister, who has enjoyed relatively high approval ratings since the start of the pandemic in 2020, received a net approval rating of -15% this month, down 11 points from his previous rating in August, reports WalesOnline.
Now North Wales Live readers have had their say on the how the veteran politician - and his Welsh Labour Plaid Cymru administration - are doing. It's fair to say the results are mixed but there is plenty of unhappiness.
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Tony Tucker257 wrote: "He loved his minimal power during Covid and it’s gone to his head. Vote this man out".
Another reader called "Posthis" wrote: "How much more disgraceful can you get than a leader who wastes millions of pounds of OUR money on his own hair-brained scheme when the entire UK nation is still in financial recovery ? Not only that but it's a scheme that is unwanted by the majority of the Welsh public.
"There are counties facing near bankruptcy who are clawing at parking fees to redeem lost money. Terrible long waiting lists for basic NHS treatments, including my own. Financial squeezes across sectors, and he thinks it's a good time to waste money on changing a speed limit !!
"Drakeford's politics are only fit for an age-gone-by country and not fit for a prosperous Welsh future.
"If that's not bad enough, there's the Plaid Cymru influence too ! Backwards... looking politics."
Another reader Ceinwen commented: "Welsh Labour have to be voted out at the next election for Wales to move forward . We are stuck in 70,s politics ! Hopefully South Wales electorate feel the same."
Soph72 wrote: "A survey "found that people in Wales thought the UK Government was significantly more incompetent than the Welsh Government." Is there something in the water supply here in Wales that has removed all critical objective thinking from people? Honestly, this country is on a suicide mission."
middleclassgentleman typed: "Ok I've made up my mind. I'm going to vote Green in the Welsh elections and Labour in the UK elections. I think that will help us get the political fresh air that we need."
Others are uncertain who to vote for. The MagicalUnited commented: "Who to vote for in Wales now? Can't vote Labour because of Drakeford, can't vote Plaid because they helped get this 20mph law in and they're just as culpable and I won't vote Tory. Who's left? Lib Dems?"
But one reader believes Mr Drakeford's policy of a 20mph default speed limit will improve road safety. Lee77 wrote: "The 20mph was never going to be a vote winner.
"Of course the Tories will use it to try and win back votes but traffic has definitely slowed. I'd be amazed if it doesn't have a reduction effect on road deaths in Wales.
"Come the election in 2024 though I think the Tories will be trounced. I really think people have had enough of them. I'm hoping for a Labour govt that relies on some kind of coalition of the left to function. I expect Plaid and Labour to make gains in Wales."
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