On Wednesday March 8 the Daily Post carried a Page 2 article under the headline 'Anglesey don't take vulnerable children protection seriously'. The article, published in response to a Care and Social Services Inspectorate Wales report criticising Anglesey Council, referred to an incident in which a child was allegedly locked overnight in a toilet at Kinsale School, Holywell, in 2012.
Kinsale School has asked us to point out the following: 'The allegations to which the article refers were thoroughly investigated by all the relevant authorities and involved social services. No action was taken against either the school or any staff member.
'Kinsale School conducted itself in an open and transparent way. An internal investigation was also carried out and it too found no evidence of any wrongdoing.'
We accept we did not seek a comment from the school ahead of publication, which we should have, and apologise for any embarrassment or distress caused.